Distance Learning College

You have weighed the pros also cons of attending a conventional nursing school into the bridge programs offered in a non-traditional setting and, unlike a conventional program, the unconventional LPN to RN bridge plans are an ideal match for the busy life together with other duties: your occupation, your family, let alone the simple absence of time and high cost of conventional nursing programs. For a lot of what you know you may receive credit with a RN bridge program and make up the remainder through credit by examination, a method that is more convenient. You’ve technical abilities, clinical expertise and credit you might utilize toward a RN level.

From assess where the Gaps are and will analyze this information you, then, will create those to fulfill in by taking assessments. You have never taken that course and in case your LPN needs you to need 3 credits in English Literature, this is a Gap you’ll have to fulfill in and earn credits for. This could be achieved through credit-by examination. Credit by examination is among the most effective and convenient methods you may use to earn college credit. As opposed to enrolling in a class you might use your knowledge, experiences and study tools earn credit for, a topic that is given or to Test from.

That is an one time examination that you’ll get credit for after having successfully passed it. It may take the place of a conventional college semester class. Along with saving valuable time, credit exam saves you money. Credit-by examination classes can cost as little as $65 per credit, whereas community colleges charge $300.00 and upwards for a 3 credit course! O You should use one of the well recognized credit-by examination programs like CLEP, DANTES, or ECE. Excelsior College provides nursing credits you may need for an AASN RN degree. You can get your ASN degree entirely by credit exam in an on-line LPN to RN bridge program.

O Credits earned this manner are accepted at accredited schools throughout the country. Many schools provide the same amount of credit as their very own comparable courses. Your choices are nearly limitless with regards to locate tools to prepare you for your exams. You can obtain research material from college text books, reference books, study guides purchased on-line or via bookstores, library rentals and friends. RNBridgeprogram.com Their schedule is based on visual learning also live education all from the comfort of your very own home. Get the support also structure of a conventional program with the pliability and acceleration of a distance learning program.